Reconciliation Among People
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Deeds Loved and Rewarded by Allah
Allah has created every [living] creature from water. And of them are those that move on their bellies, and of them are those that walk on two legs, and of them are those that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Indeed, Allah is over all things competent.
Have those who disbelieved not considered that the heavens and the earth were a joined entity, and then We separated them and made from water every living thing? Then will they not believe?
It is He who created you from dust, then from a sperm-drop, then from a clinging clot; then He brings you out as a child; then [He develops you] that you reach your [time of] maturity, then [further] that you become elders
And do not give the weak-minded your property which Allah has made a means of sustenance for you, but provide for them with it and clothe them and speak to them words of appropriate kindness.
And if your Lord had willed, He could have made mankind one community; but they will not cease to differ,