The Surahs of the Holy Quran are 87 Makki Surahs and 27 Madani Surahs
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Seven Surahs in the Holy Quran bear the names of seven prophets, namely: Younis - Hood - Joseph - Ibrahim - Muhammad - Noah
All the Surahs begin with the Basmalah except the Surah "At-Tawbah". Every Surah has one Basmalah except Surah An-Naml has two Basmalahs
The longest Surah of the Holy Quran Is Al-Baqarah it consists of "286" verses. The shortest Surah is Al-Kawthar. It is composed of "3" verses.
The word Allah is repeated "2707" Times in the Holy Quran
Number of Suras: "114" SurahsNumber of Verses: 6236 Verses Word Count: 77797 WordNon-repeated words: 14870 wordsNumber of letters: 330709 lettersNumber of prostrating verses: 15 versesLongest word: composed of 11 lettersIt is fa asqainakomoohThe longest verse is composed of 129 wordsO you who have believed, when you contract a debt for a speci...
If you get a message, that explains all the facts about your existence, your life, and your destiny. What to do, and how to survive. Would you ignore it until you die, before you open, read, understand and act according to it?Lest one day you regret and say: I was busy, I did not know about its content ?!God has sent you a message now. .... Read i...