The etiquettes of fasting

The etiquettes of fasting

The etiquettes of fasting

273 114
Tags Ramadan

Among the etiquettes of fasting:

1: Sincerity
2: Having the pre dawn meal
3 - It is recommended for the fasting person to be preoccupied with voluntary acts of worship and remembering his Lord. 
4 - The fasting person must guard his fasting against the ill talk, false deeds and words
5: to leave the disputes, anger and evil words
6: to be committed to performing prayers in time
7: To seal his fasting with remembering his Lord and supplication 
8: to hasten to break the fasting once the time of Maghrib begins.
9: it is part of the Sunnah for the fasting person to break the fast with ripe dates otherwise he shall eat dry dates, otherwise he shall drink water.
10 - It is recommended for the fasting person to use Siwak a lot.

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