Women in the Quran
The Holy Quran includes a Surah entitled An-Nisaa ( the women ) and another Surah entitled At-Talaq ( the divorce ) it is known as the short Surah of women because it handles the women affair, and a Surah entitled Mary peace be upon her. The holy Quran mentioned Mary in thirty-three positions, it discussed the specific conditions of women in the Surahs Al-Baqarah ( the cow ), Al-Mujadila ( the pleading woman ), Al-Mumtahana ( she that is to be examined ) and other Surahs.
The Holy Quran guarantees all the rights of women. It commands to treat women honorably
It commands man to be kind to his mother, daughter and wife
Is not it the time to know the rights of women in the Holy Quran?
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