What is the time and manner of offering the Eid prayer?

What is the time and manner of offering the Eid prayer?

What is the time and manner of offering the Eid prayer?

278 124
الوسوم شهر رمضان

The time for Eid prayer begins after the sun rises the distance of a spear in the sky, and continues until before the Thuhr time. It consists of two Rak`ahs, in the first one the Imam says seven takbeers and in the second Rak`ah he says five Takbeers

Allah said ( interpretation of the meaning ) :

{ He has certainly succeeded who purifies himself And mentions the name of his Lord and prays.}

AL‑A‘LĀ (14-15)

البطاقات ذات الصلة

عرض البطاقات

