Say, "Are there of your 'partners' any who begins creation..."


Say, "Are there of your 'partners' any who begins creation..."

Say, "Are there of your 'partners' any who begins creation and then repeats it?" Say, "Allah begins creation and then repeats it, so how are you deluded?"
Say, "Are there of your 'partners' any who guides to the truth?" Say, "Allah guides to the truth. So is He who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed or he who guides not unless he is guided? Then what is [wrong] with you – how do you judge?"
And most of them follow not except assumption. Indeed, assumption avails not against the truth at all. Indeed, Allah is Knowing of what they do.
Quran ( 10 : _ 34 36)

1041 53
الوسوم تحدي القرآن.
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